How to feed Holand pig 写荷兰猪的英语作文

   2021-05-25 写作文0
核心提示:Holand pig is a small and cute animal. Pigs are big and strong, but this pig is smaller size. Its head looks like rat, so is called ‘dolphin rat’. Holand pig normally is colorful, it is black, white, black and white, yellow black and whit

How to feed Holand pig 写荷兰猪的英语作文

Holand pig is a small and cute animal. Pigs are big and strong, but this pig is smaller size. Its head looks like rat, so is called ‘dolphin rat’. Holand pig normally is colorful, it is black, white, black and white, yellow black and white, with long hairs and no tail, so it is good-looking. During the long period, Holand pig is feed as fur and meat animal, only until recently, when the Holand pig turns into pet on history, the people recognize the utility of the Holand pig.

Holand pig could be feed in cage, bricks, and pool. To put the pig into cage, should put the pig according to the size of a cage; Fed in bricks is to make the pig house using bricks; and fed in pool is to put pigs into pools according to the size of the pool. Below is to introduce the way to feed pig in cage:

1, Choose cage. The cage should be neither too small nor too big. The cage should be put indoor without rain or wind. Under cage there is a box to get shit, in cage there should be put into some weeds, grasses, and other things to make the cage comfortable; 2,Prepare food. The good pig food is fresh-cut paddy with leaves, fragile leaves and corn, the food should be plenty, clean, fresh, and fragile; The Holand pig seldom drinks, the water mostly comes from the fresh food. The owner should prepare a bowl, as big as half the pig body, that bowl will be enough for it to get food; if the feedstuff is prepared by labor, then could use corn powder, rice, wheat powder, sugar cane leaves, vitamin C with water in to make firstly then dry and cut the feedstuff into grains. The feedstuff is essential in pig’s life, if the items are limited, the Holand pig should be feed only one feedstuff, and it could grow up as well. The Holand pig likes sugar cane leaves, the big and long leaves will be chewed and swallow in its mouth, if the food is good for it, one can hear the dolphin sound from its mouth when it taking food; 3,Holand pig is coward. To keep Holand pig, one shouldn’t let the pig get started, normally the pig will get pregnant and born babies after grow up. When born the baby, the pig should be made a comfortable and warm net, and the owner should make it a safe environment, after the baby is borned, the baby should be with its mother until it grows up.

To kill the Holand pig is like to kill a rabbit, use its fur, meat, and bones. The Holand pig is nice to be eaten, the meat is yummy and nutritious, no matter how to cook it; The fur could be used to make clothes and decoration product, and its color is heavy while beautiful. So the Holand pig is a popular, diamond-like animal.

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