Treasure the time you have 珍惜时间的英语作文

   2021-05-24 作文网0
核心提示:Time passed as fast as water, in a twinkling of an eye, has been more than ten years. Looking back, I couldn't help laughing, laughing at this sweaty time the old man left so hastily.Time flies and time flies. Time rings are always turning:

Treasure the time you have 珍惜时间的英语作文

Time passed as fast as water, in a twinkling of an eye, has been more than ten years. Looking back, I couldn't help laughing, laughing at this sweaty time the old man left so hastily.

Time flies and time flies. Time rings are always turning: time slips by the rice bowl while eating; time flows along the water when bathing; time jumps quietly from the sheets while sleeping.

One inch of time and one inch of gold, an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time. Yes, time is money, grasp a second, win ten gold. Some people often waste their time, always putting today's affairs to tomorrow, so that they not only miss today, but also increase the Ming The burden of the day. By tomorrow, can you guarantee that the unfinished business will be postponed to the day after tomorrow? Today, today. Grasp today, equal to twice the tomorrow.

Do not idle, white juvenile head, empty sad. Long song line wrote: young do not work hard, the old path sad. Yes, youth is the prime time to learn, only in childhood to lay a good foundation, after growing up to do a big career, old age will not regret. Time is gone like the Yellow River to the sea. Therefore, we should learn more and work harder when we are young, instead of being what people call "three days of fishing and two days of net drying ".

To save time The opportunity is not to patronize those who are lazy. They will meet those who save time and work diligently to make their career develop.

A man who saves time is a man who succeeds. There is a businessman in the United States who goes to work at nine o'clock every day and leaves at five o'clock, except for major meetings and conversations, he has never talked to anyone for more than five minutes. If you have nothing important to find him, he will never welcome it, and he will think it is a waste of his time. People calculated his income, about $10 a second, but he said it was more than that. From this point of view, successful people do not waste their time On the aspect, they always grasp every second and work seriously. Saving time is one of the reasons for their success.

What things when I do not know thanks, when I do not know to enjoy, give people when absent-minded, lost when unconscious? It's time. Time is life, save time! make life more meaningful.

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