
   2022-03-21 网络分享0
核心提示:一、写出下列单词的过去式(10分)1. is _________ 2. do________ 3. play________ 4.come________5.go________ 6.visit ________ 7.have ________ 8.take________9.see ________ 10.swim________  二、选出不同类的一项(10分)( )1.A.hair B.short C.ey


一、写出下列单词的过去式(10分) 1. is _________ 2. do________ 3. play________ 4.come________ 5.go________ 6.visit ________ 7.have ________ 8.take________ 9.see ________ 10.swim________   二、选出不同类的一项(10分) ( )1.A.hair B.short C.eye ( )2.Acute B.handsome C.month ( )3. A.pizza B.uncle C.grandparent ( )4. A.cake B.yesterday C.sandwich ( )5. A.alunch B.dinner C.countryside   三、按要求写单词(10分) 1.pretty(反义词)_________ 2.cute(近义词)________ 3.catch(三单形式)________ 4.healthy(反义词)________ 5.sandwich(复数)________   四、用所给的词的适当形式填空(10分)   1.He _________(visit)the Great Wall last year.   2. he ________(fly)a kite last Sunday? Yes, he .   3.In China, people like ________(eat) dumplings.   4.Did she________ (have)dinner at home.   5.Kitty ________(not go) to school yesterday.   6.My little brother is five ________(month)old.   7.The table has four ________(leg)。   8.I have big ________(eye) and a small mouth.   五、选择题(30分)   ( )1.Her hair _________short and her eyes ________big. A.was ;were B.were;was C. were; were   ( )2.We________ to the Great Wall yesterday. A. go B. went C.goes   ( )3.What did you________ for breakfast this morning? A. have B. has C.had   ( )4.I had some ________and ________for breakfast. A.bread;milk B. breads;milks C. breads;milk   ( )5.-- ________was your summer holiday?   --It was wonderful. A.What B.where C.How   ( )6. ________Alice often play the piano. No,she . A. are listening B.Does,does C.Does,doesn’t   ( )7.Danny________ breakfast five times last week. A.ate B.eat C.eated   ( )8.I’m going to________ some chopsticks ________Sunday afternoon. A.bought,on B.buy,on C.buy,in   ( )9.What did you do on your holiday? I________ . A.bought a present B.goes skiing C.learning English   ( )10.Sandy often________ his homework on Sundays. A.do B.does C.did   ( )11.He ________a race with Ming Ming. A.to have B.had C.going to have   ( )12.He doesn’t eat ________bread this morning. A. a lot B. some C.much   ( )13.Little Tom can’t ________his mother.He is crying now. A. find B.finds C. look for   ( )14.Ben________ born in 2011 in Shanghai. A. is B.are C.was D. were   ( )15.Do you play________ after school? A. piano B.musics C. basketball   六、句型转换(10分)   1.I go to the park.(用yesterday改写)   _____________________________________   2.I went to the Great Wall.(对画线部分提问)   _____________________________________   3.Tom had some eggs for breakfast. (对画线部分提问)   _____________________________________   4.There are some places to visit.(变否定句)   _____________________________________   5.I watched TV last weekend.(变一般疑问句)   _____________________________________   七、阅读(10分)   (一)判断正误,正确的(T)错误的(F)   I had a wonderful summer holiday. I visited my uncle in Beijing.I went there with my parents.Beijing is so beautiful. There are a lot of famous parks. I went to the Summer Palace.I took a lot of photos there. I also went to the Great Wall. It was great . I saw many visitors there. I ate Beijing Roast Duck. It was very delicious. I had a good time in Beijing. I hope to visit there once more. I love Beijing.   ( )1.I visited my sister in Beijing.   ( )2.The Great Wall is in Shanghai.   ( )3.My parents and I went to Beijing together.   ( )4.I ate Beijing Roast Duck.   ( )5.I enjoyed my summer holiday.   (二)阅读并判断下列句子是否符合文章内容,符合的用(T)表示,不符合的用(F)表示。   A French student goes to London for his holiday. He knows a little English, but he can't speak very well.   One day he goes to a restaurant. He wants to some eggs,but he can't remember the English word for "egg" .He looks around and sees a picture of a hen. He shows the picture to the waiter. "What do you call her children?"he asks.   "Chicks,sir."   "And what do you call chicks before they're born?"   "eggs, sir."   "Very good," says the French student, "bring me two eggs and a cup of coffee, please."   ( )1.A French student goes to London for his holiday.   ( )2.He can’t speak English at all.   ( )3.He goes to the restaurant to have some eggs.   ( )4.He wants to see a picture of hens.   ( )5.He is a clever boy.

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