
   2016-10-01 精品学习网0
核心提示:英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。接下来,就和小编一起来练习三年级英语下册质量检测试卷。听力部分(60分)Ⅰ、听音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入括号内。(10分)(   ) 1、 A. fifteen      B. fifty 


(   ) 1、 A. fifteen      B. fifty    C.five
(   ) 2、A. peach      B. pear     C.play
(   )3. A. say            B. try             C. high
(   )4. A. fast            B. fruit            C. find              
(   ) 5、 A. twenty    B. twelve   C. two
(   )6. A. Tuesday        B. Wednesday       C. Thursday 
(    ) 7 、A. drum      B. driver    C.drive
(   )8. A. ninety          B. ninety-nine       C. nineteen
 (    ) 9、 A. fast        B. first   C. fun 
(    ) 10 、A. say        B. shy    C.speak 

(   )      (   )      (   )     (   )      (   )

(   ) 1、 Maybe I’ll be a ________.      A. writer       B. pilot 
(   ) 2、 Will you play with me _______?  A. this afternoon   B. this weekend
(   ) 3、 Will you take your  _______ tomorrow?     A. kite      B. ball
(   ) 4、 They         young.       A. were       B. was 
(   ) 5、 I’ll see _______.    A. The River Thames     B. Tower Bridge
(     ) I don’t know. 
  (     ) What will you see?
  (     ) What will you do this weekend?
  (     ) We’ll see lions, tigers and pandas.
  (     ) Maybe we’ll go to the zoo.
Ⅵ、Listen and write the sentences 旅行团的小伙伴们,快来试着写下你听到的旅游见闻吧。(10分) 
1. wide, river is this very .                                          
2. see, Big Ben, will, we .                         _________          
3.you, take, will, your, kite ?                   ____________ 
4.  will, what, be, you ?                        ___________  
5. nice, she, is, very. _________________________________
  1.         Pp             2.         Yy              3.        Gg

  4.          Kk                   5.         Ss
1. ____________ ( 桃子) are my favourite fruit.           
2. She’s very _____________(友善的).
3. We’ll see lions,         (老虎) and pandas in the zoo.
4. We were on the _________ (第一) floor.
5. There are _________ (五十)children in my class.
6. They were very_________ (年轻的).  
7.  This book is ___________(新的),but that one is ________( 旧的 ).
8.  He __________(学习) hard.  He isn’t lazy. 
9.  A: What day is __________ (在…之后) Tuesday ?   B: It’s Wednesday . 
Ⅸ、根据问句选答句, 把正确的序号写在题前的括号内。 (12分)
(    ) 1. Will you phone me?                 A. It’s ninety.
(    ) 2. How many children?                B. There are nineteen.
(    ) 3. What will we see?                  C. I’ll be a film star.  
(    ) 4. What will you be?                  D. We’ll see Big Ben.
(    ) 5. What’s sixty plus thirty?             E. Yes, he will.
(    ) 6. Will Sam go, too?                  F. Yes, I will.
Ⅹ、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正( T )误( F )。(8分) 
(   )1. Linlin is a girl and she’s 18.
(   )2. Linlin is quiet. 
(   )3. Her grandparents are very young now.
(   )4. They have got a cute dog.

1. fifteen     2. peach      3.high     4. fruit    5. twenty          
6.Wednesday     7. drum   8.ninety--nine    9.first   10. shy
1. This house is very old.
2. The London Eye goes round and round.
3. He’ll be a footballer in the future.
4. Big Ben is very tall. It’s a very old clock.
5. I’ll read some books. I won’t watch TV.
1.Maybe  I’ll  be  a  driver.
2.This  lion  is  big.
3. Maybe  I’ll  be  a  filmstar.
4. This   bird  is  small.
5.. This  panda  is  fat.

1. Maybe I’ll be a pilot.                  
 2. Will you play with me this weekend?           
3. Will you take your kite tomorrow?
 4. They were young.                     
  5. I’ll see Tower Bridge. 
---What will you do this weekend? ---I don’t know. Maybe we’ll go to the zoo. ---What will you see?---We’ll see lions, tigers and pandas.
Ⅵ、Listen and write the sentences 旅行团的小伙伴们,快来试着写下你听到的旅游见闻吧。(10分)
1. This river is very wide.     
2. We will see Big Ben .         
3.will  you  take  your  kite ? 
4. what will  you  be?   
5.She  is  very  nice.

只要大家多听、多看、多听和多练,英语成绩很快就能提高。希望我们提供的三年级英语下册质量检测试卷,对大家有所帮助!更多内容请点击 进行查阅。

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