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核心提示:【#三年级# 导语】英语阅读同中文的一样,首先,使我们增长见识,其次,能够提高我们的阅读和写作能力,再者,阅读能扩宽我们的知识面和眼界,这对我们将来找工作是很重要的。最后,阅读使我们变得有修养,这对我们一生都是很有好处的。以下是©乐学网整理的


【#三年级# 导语】英语阅读同中文的一样,首先,使我们增长见识,其次,能够提高我们的阅读和写作能力,再者,阅读能扩宽我们的知识面和眼界,这对我们将来找工作是很重要的。最后,阅读使我们变得有修养,这对我们一生都是很有好处的。以下是©乐学网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  I am a little pencil. Since I had my master, I have been suffering and suffering, and I have to wear a lottery once or twice a day. Want to know why? Then read on!   

        On this day, I was sleeping in my little master's pencil case, and suddenly the pencil case was opened, and a small hand took me out. The little master took me, his deskmate was holding a pencil, and two pencils began to fight each other. I think I'm in trouble! The little master said, "you can't fight me. Come on, come on!" The little master accidentally stepped on the book which fell to the ground. I was afraid that his deskmate would get angry and do something that hurt me more. Sure enough, the table flew into a rage, and took a knife from the pencil-box and stabbed me. I thought, oh, shit, it's gonna be broken. They continued to fight, but they didn't find me scarred...   

        Little master, you know? If your knife moves a little farther forward, it could hurt your eyes. Have you thought about your own safety? Have you thought about my safety?   Also, if the little master wrote a wrong word, he would throw me on the ground and stomp on a few feet. My bones have been folded N times under pressure. How can I blame myself for my carelessness?   

        Look at the brothers and sisters in the pencil case -- the pen has long been broken, and the brightly colored clothes have faded. The ball pen sister's parts do not know where to fall, the appearance is like the pen brother is also scarred; The rubber brother felt as if he had been stepped on a few feet, and fell off one piece after another, like the craters on the moon. The other day the small host also scold us: "really a group of waste!" I'm so sad! Did you ever think about us? This is all you do not cherish the consequence of stationery!   

        Although I am still willing to serve the small host, but I am always made to be short of arms and legs, has affected the small master's study. Alas, what method can make small host know to cherish stationery?


  Monkeys are known as the "banana king", while some small animals also like bananas, but banana trees are occupied by monkeys. If someone eats a little banana, the banana king will go crazy with you, and everyone is afraid to eat bananas. The banana king is very proud of it.   

        One day, a banana appeared in the banana forest. Everyone is very rare, warm welcome. The name of the elephant was cut and it was decided that it was directed at the banana. It is true that it is more mad than a monkey to eat a banana. It's hilarious! Sure enough, after a while, the banana elephant is hungry, then go to look for a banana, walk to walk, suddenly see a bright -- a banana forest! He was so mad that he ran and ran, shaking the ground, which frightened the monkeys who were eating bananas. Some are scared silly, flabbergasted, some creaks, scattered to flee, and also is the British army, jump to the prewar. The Monkey King said, "shoot, kill --" the monkeys flock to the elementary school children's fairy tale composition 500 words. Oh, the elephant is so big, the monkeys run to the elephant's feet and run away. Only the Monkey King is there.   

        The elephant looks very calm and gulps the banana, the monkeys are angry and helpless. At last the king of the monkey said, "hey, you giant lunatic, why eat our bananas?" "Well, yours? Ah -- ha, I'm sorry. However, this banana other animal also likes to eat, that I ask you, other animals can't eat, you monopolize, this good?" The monkeys looked at each other and lowered their heads to reflect on their selfishness.   

        So the monkeys "liberated" the banana forest, and the banana forest was filled with joy. The monkeys were so happy for the first time.   

        Soon the banana was coming home, the monkeys were reluctant to give up, and the monkey said to the elephant, "thank you for letting us know that it is truly happy to be happy with everyone."   

        Long live the animals!


  A pearl had been growing in a mussel for more than a decade, and had never been discovered because they lived in a deserted river.   

        One day, an intelligent pearl discovered this pearl, he carefully took her out of the mussel, and was surprised to find that the pearl was really the best of the world. She was a big, round pearl, without blemishes, and she was full of color and colour, and she was very beautiful.   

        Bole is ready to dedicate this treasure to the queen. While he was on the boat, he could not help but admire it. But the joy was sad, the wind was rising, and a wave came, and the pearl in his hand rolled to the bottom of the river. He hired a man for seven days and seven nights in the river, and he did not find it, so he went away disappointed.   

        The pearl rolled down to the bottom of the river, and she lost her beauty. But she tried hard to protect herself from the sand, and let herself get the flaw. She was not discouraged and never gave up, believing that one day she would shine again. Small fish small shrimp often come to laugh at her to say: "you calculate, look you that black of appearance, really think oneself is what treasure?" She just laughed and continued to protect herself.   

        As the days passed, a big fish came to feed and ate her as a meal. Soon the big fish were caught by the fishermen and cut open the belly of the big fish, and they found the pearl of the dust.   

        A few days later, this beautiful pearl appeared in the queen's crown, the most dazzling one on the crown, still without blemishes, and glittered. With this pearl, the queen is more magnificent, the wind is the most beautiful. The minister and the people, each of whom had seen their admiration, admired the other pearls.   

        In the face of setbacks and difficulties, don't linger, don't cry, believe in yourself, and never give up the effort, can achieve outstanding extraordinary.

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