
   2022-09-21 网络分享0
核心提示:Listening Part(听力部分)50分  1. Listen and number.(听音,标号)8分  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )  ( ) ( )( ) ( )  2. Listen and tick or cross.(听音,判断正误,用“√”或“×”表示)12分  ( ) ( )( )  ( )( )( )  3. Listen and choose.(


Listening Part(听力部分)50分

  1. Listen and number.(听音,标号)8分

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  2. Listen and tick or cross.(听音,判断正误,用“√”或“×”表示)12分

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  3. Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确的一项)10分

  ( ) (1) What time is it? It‘s _________.

  A. 8:45 B. 3:35

  ( ) (2) What’s the weather like today? It‘s _________ today.

  A. cloudy B. windy

  ( ) (3) What are these? They are __________.

  A. donkeys B. hens

  ( ) (4) Is that the art room? ____________.

  A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t.

  ( ) (5) How many horses are there? There are ____________.

  A. twelve B. twenty

  4. Listen and write.(听音,写出正确的数字)8分

  (1) (2)

  ___________ ___________

  (3) (4)

  ____________ ____________

  5. Listen and arrange.(按听到的顺序给下列句子排序)12分

  ( ) I want two watermelons.

  ( ) OK. I‘ll take them.

  ( ) Can I help you?

  ( ) How about these?

  ( ) They look good. How much are they?

  ( ) They are twenty yuan.

  Writing Part(笔试部分)50分

  1. Read and tick or cross.(读一读,判断下列单词画线部分的发音是否相同)6分

  (1) hat grapes ( ) (2) home nose ( )

  (3) egg pen ( ) (4) fish bike ( )

  (5) student cup ( ) (6) milk this ( )

  2. Read and circle.(读一读,圈出不属于同一类的一项)12分

  (1) A. art room B. music room C. Chinese

  (2) A. breakfast B. math C. dinner

  (3) A. short B. shirt C. skirt

  (4) A. socks B. shoes C. kite

  (5) A. cat B. hot C. warm

  (6) A. rainy B. wind C. snowy

  (7) A. cheap B. jacket C. expensive

  (8) A. potato B. boots C. slippers

  3. Look and write.(看图,写单词)10分

  (1) (2)


  (4) (5)

  4. Read and choose.(读一读,选择正确的一项)12分

  ( ) (1) -Do you have lunch at school?

  - ________________

  A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I do.

  ( ) (2) -Where is the TV room?

  - ___________________

  A. It’s on the second floor. B. It‘s a TV room.

  ( ) (3) -Whose is this shirt?

  - ___________________

  A. Yes, it is. B. It’s my mother‘s.

  ( ) (4) -Can I wear my new skirt today?

  - ___________________

  A. Yes, you can’t B. No, you can‘t.

  ( ) (5) -How much is this T-shirt?

  - __________________

  A. It’s thirty yuan. B. Fine, thank you.

  ( ) (6) -Are those cucumbers?

  - __________________

  A. Yes, they are. B. No, they are.

  5. Read and judge.(读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示)10分

  Mike is a good student. He gets up at six thirty every day. He likes to wear his blue sweater. He goes to school at seven fifteen. He has English class at eight o‘clock. He likes English very much. He has lunch at home. In the afternoon, he always plays football on the school playground. He does homework after dinner. He goes to bed at nine o’clock.

  ( ) (1) Mike gets up at 6:20 every day.

  ( ) (2) Mike has a blue sweater.

  ( ) (3) Mike has lunch at school.

  ( ) (4) Mike likes to play football.

  ( ) (5) Mike does homework after school.



  1. (1) sneakers (2) jeans (3) shorts (4) sandals

  (5) tomato (6) onion (7) sheep (8) cow

  2. (1) Go to the garden. Water the flowers.

  (2) Go to the library. Read a book.

  (3) Hold a lamb.

  (4) Hang up your skirt.

  (5) Wash your shirt.

  (6) Ride a cow.

  3. (1) What time is it? It‘s 8:45.

  (2) What’s the weather like today? It‘s cloudy today.

  (3) What are these? They are hens.

  (4) Is that the art room? No, it isn’t.

  (5) How many horses are there? There are twelve.

  4. (1) How many cats can you see? I can see eleven cats.

  (2) How many carrots do you have? I have fifteen.

  (3) How many bananas are there? There are thirty.

  (4) How many cucumbers are there? There are forty-five.

  5. A: Can I help you?

  B: I want two watermelons.

  A: How about these?

  B: They look good. How much are they?

  A: They are twenty yuan.

  B: OK. I‘ll take them.



  1. 2-3-4-1 7-8-5-6

  2. (1) √ (2) × (3) √ (4) √ (5) √ (6) ×

  3. (1) A (2) A (3) B (4) B (5) A

  4. (1) 11 (2) 15 (3) 30 (4) 45

  5. 2-6-1-3-4-5


  1. (1) × (2) √ (3) √ (4) × (5) × (6) √

  2. (1) C. Chinese (2) B. math (3) A. short (4) C. kite

  (5) A. cat (6) B. wind (7) B. jacket (8) A. potato

  3. (1) pig (2) dog (3) dress (4) computer (5) fan

  4. (1) B (2) A (3) B (4) B (5) A (6) A

  5. (1) F (2) T (3) F (4) T (5) F

标签: 听力 正误 四年级
反对 0举报 0 评论 0


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