
   2022-02-07 网络分享0
核心提示:【#三年级# 导语】学习英语可以让我们更好地认识汉语。这句话听上去似乎有点矛盾,但学习一门外语确实能够增加我们对母语的理解。这是因此在学习外语的过程中我们会不断将其与母语比较,从而能够以一个新的角度来审视自己的母语。以下是®乐学网整理的《小学


【#三年级# 导语】学习英语可以让我们更好地认识汉语。这句话听上去似乎有点矛盾,但学习一门外语确实能够增加我们对母语的理解。这是因此在学习外语的过程中我们会不断将其与母语比较,从而能够以一个新的角度来审视自己的母语。以下是®乐学网整理的《小学三年级期中英语测试题:笔试部分》,希望帮助到您。


  一、 根据意思写单词。(10)
  ( )1.A. copybook B. train C. storybook
  ( )2.A. peach B. grandmother C. grandfather
  ( )3.A. yellow B. black C. bag
  ( )4.A. rubber B. pencil C. key
  ( )5.A. nine B. minus C. twelve
  ( )6.A. orange B. banana C. chair
  ( )7.A. nine B. on C. in
  ( )8.A. ten B. twenty C. are
  ( )9.A. this B. he C. she
  ( )10.A. TV B. skirt C. dress
  ( )1. What’s the time now, Su Hai?
  A. It’s nine. B. Yes, she is. C. All right.
  ( )2. Is this your mother?
  A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isn’t. C. Great.
  ( )3. Who’s he?
  A. This is my grandmother. B. No, she isn’t.
  C. He‘s my uncle.
  ( )4. A: What’s this in English?
  B: It’s _______ orange.
  A. a B. the C. an
  ( )5. Let’s go to the zoo.
  A. All right. B. That’s right. C. No, it isn’t.
  ( )6. Your dress is pretty.
  A. Thank you very much. B. All right.
  C. Sorry, you’re wrong.
  ( )7. How many books can you see?
  A. I can see five. B. Yes, I can. C. No, it isn’t.
  ( )8. What‘s seven plus eleven?
  A. It’s four. B. It’s eighteen. C. It’s nine.
  ( )9. What’s fifteen minus ten?
  A. It’s twenty. B. It’s thirteen. C. It’s five.
  ( )10. How are you?
  A. I’m fine, thank you. B. Nice to meet you. C. See you.
  ( )1. 见到熟人时,你说:
  A. Hi. B. What’s your name? C. Thank you.
  ( )2. 你想知道现在几点了,你可以问:
  A. Thank you. B. That’s right. C. What’s the time now?
  ( )3. 刘涛想和张敏一起去动物园,于是说:
  A. Come in, please.B. Let’s go to the zoo. C. That’s right.
  ( )4. 你想知道某物用英语怎么说,可以问:
  A. What’s this in English? B. What’s your name?
  C. Is that a telephone?
  ( )5. 你想让别人看你的新钢笔,可以说:
  A. Look at my new pen. B. Is this your new pen?
  C. That is her new pen.
  ( )1、Is this your grandmother? A. It’s eleven.
  ( )2、Can I have a look? B. OK.
  ( )3、What’s the time now? C. Thank you very much.
  ( )4、What’s that? D. I can see seven.
  ( )5、Goodbye. E. It’s nine.
  ( )6、Open your books. F. Sure. Here you are.
  ( )7、You have a nice dress. G. Yes, she is.
  ( )8、How many birds can you see? H. Goodbye.
  ( )9、What’s ten plus one? I. It’s three o’clock.
  ( )10、What’s ten minus one? J. It’s a bike.


  笔试部分 (80分)
  A.girl B.chair C.kite D.zoo E.cap
  F.twenty G.ear H.watermelon I.monkey J.boat
  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
  A B
  ( )1. Is he your father? A. Yes, I do .
  ( ) 2. Do you like bananas? B. She’s my mother .
  ( ) 3. Who’s that woman? C. I can see 11.
  ( ) 4. How many cats can you see? D. It’s under the chair.
  ( ) 5. Where is the ball? E. No, he isn’t.
  ( ) 1. A、 banana B、 pear C、 short
  ( ) 2. A、 pencil B、 car C、 ruler
  ( ) 3. A、 pencil B、 book C、 school
  ( ) 4. A、 dog B、 pig C、 play
  ( ) 5. A、 red B、 one C、 green
  ( ) 6. A、 girl B、 teacher C、 bus
  ( ) 7. A、 class B、 school C、 pen
  ( ) 8. A、 Chinese B、 English C、class
  ( ) 9. A、 mother B、 father C、 teacher
  ( ) 10. A、twelve B、 five C、box
  ( )1. 你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:
  A、Who’s this boy? B、 Who’s that boy? C、Who’s that girl?
  ( )2. 想询问别人小汽车在哪里,应这样问:
  A、Where’s my car? B、Where’s my cat? C、This is my car.
  ( )3. 如果有人请你吃东西,而你已经饱了,你应该这样回答:
  A、Thank you. B、Sure. C、No. Thanks.
  ( )4. 你想知道别人是来自哪个地方,应该这样问:
  A、Where are you from? B、How are you? C、How old are you?
  ( )5. 你想介绍妈妈跟你的老师认识,你说:
  A、This is my mother. B、I’m a teacher. C、My mother is a teacher.
  五、 单项选择(10 分)
  ( )1. --- ______is that woman? ----She is my English teacher, Miss Chen .
  A、Where B、who C、what
  ( )2.---How many ____can you see ? ---Nineteen.
  A、 kite B、 kites C、 cat
  ( )3. I _____a new friend .Her name is Alice .
  A、am B、have C、 has
  ( )4. ---Who is that girl ? --- _____is my sister . A、I B、 He C、She
  ( )5. ---______ are you from ? --- I’m from America .
  A、 Where B、Who C、 How many
  ( )6. The red one ______ a fish. A、am B、are C、is
  ( )7. The dog_____ small ears. A、 has B、 have C、 are
  ( )8. ---Mom, _____is my doll? ---It’s in the box.
  A、 where B、 what C、 who
  ( )9. --- ____you ____oranges? ---Yes, I do.
  A、Are, like B、 Do, like C、 Does, like
  ( )10. ---Who’s that girl over there? --- _____.
  A、 He’s my father B、 She’s my mother C、 She’s my sister
  1. you, do, candies, like, _____________________________?
  2. pencils, you, six, do, have, ___________________________?
  3. buy, Let’s, kite, a, _________________________________.
  4. has, eyes, big, and, ears, It, small,
  5. from, you, are, Where,________________________________?
  七、找出与其他单词发音不同的一项 (10分)
  ( )1. A、duck B、fun C、 run D、full
  ( )2. A、coke B、box C、 doll D、dog
  ( )3. A、six B、fine C、pig D、big
  ( )4. A、red B、leg C、he D、seven
  ( )5. A、dad B、cake C、bag D、hand
  (A) Hi, I’m Susan. I have a good friend. Her name is Lily.We are in the same(相同的)school. Lily is eleven years old. I’m eleven, too. Lily goes to school by bus. But I go to school on foot. Because(因为)my home is near the school. Our school is beautiful. We like it.
  ( )1. Lily is Susan’s sister .
  ( )2. Susan is 11 years old .
  ( )3. Lily and Susan go to school by bus .
  ( )4. Lily is a girl .
  ( )5. Lily and Susan are students .
  (B) There are five people in my family-my father, my mother, my sister Kate, my brother Jack and I.
  My father is a teacher. He is tall. He likes lions. He likes watermelons. My mother is a farmer. She is short. She likes to feed dogs and chickens. She likes eating strawberries. Jack, Kate and I are all students. Jack likes monkeys. Kate and I all like pandas. Because we love peace.(和平)
  ( )1.There are seven people in my family.
  ( )2.My father likes eating watermelons.
  ( )3.My mother is tall. She likes to feed chickens.
  ( )4.Jack is my brother. He likes monkeys.
  ( )5.My sister Kate doesn’t like pandas.
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