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核心提示:【#高一# 导语】随着中国逐渐走进国际化,使用英语的范围也越来越广,现在在日常的生活中许多地方都用得到英语。®乐学网准备了高一英语快乐寒假作业答案,具体请看以下内容。1. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ________.A. catching B. to be c


【#高一# 导语】随着中国逐渐走进国际化,使用英语的范围也越来越广,现在在日常的生活中许多地方都用得到英语。®乐学网准备了高一英语快乐寒假作业答案,具体请看以下内容。

1. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ________.

A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch

2. She didn’t remember ________him before.

A. having met B. have met C. to meet D. to have met

3. — What do you think of the book?

— Oh, excellent. It’s worth ________a second time.

A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being read

4. I can hardly imagine Peter ________across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed

5. I would appreciate ________back this afternoon.

A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. you’re calling

6. We are considering ________the plan.

A. being changed B. changing C. to change D. to be changing

7. We advise ________another experiment.

A. to make B. we’ll make C. making D. our making

8. “Keep silent!” the monitor told the boys to stop ________.

A. to talk B. talk C. talking D. being talked

9. People couldn’t help ________foolish emperor in the procession.

A. to laugh B. to laugh at C. laughing at D. laughing

10. Hearing the exciting news, I couldn’t ________with joy.

A. stop jumping B. resist jump C. but to jump D. help jumping

11. Can you imagine ________in winter?

A. to swim B. being swum C. swimming D. to be swimming

12. I don’t think your hair needs ________now.

A. cutting B. being cut C. to cut D. cut

13. He said the table wanted ________.

A. to repair B. repairing C. repaired D. being repaired

14. He wants ________the table ________.

A. having; repairing B. to have; repairing C. having; repaired D. to have; repaired

15. They forbid ________in the office.

A. to smoke B. smoking C. to be smoking D. smoke

16. Have you finished ________the TV set?

A. to repair B. your repairing C. having repairing D. repairing

17. Now it is clear to me that he is honest and I do regret ________he was a cheat.

A. to say B. say C. that D. having said

18. I regret ________you that I can’t go to your birthday party.

A. to tell B. telling C. of telling D. having told

19. Let’s try ________the work another way, for we should try ________everything done in time.

A. to do; to get B. doing; getting C. doing; to get D. to do; getting

20. Oh, by the way, do you mind ________a letter for me?

A. posting B. to post C. your posting D. if you can post

21. It’s a good habit ________aloud early in the morning.

A. practice to read B. to practice reading C. practicing to read D. to practice and read

22. As you know, studying means ________hard.

A. work B. to work C. working D. that we work

23. The floor requires________, so the students are required ________the work.

A. washing; to do B. to wash; doing C. washing; doing D. to wash; to do

24. The lake is polluted. We don’t allowed ________here.

A. swimming B. to swim C. anyone swim D. for anyone to swim

25. Why have they delayed ________the sports meet?

A. hold B. holding C. to hold D. having held

26. The doctor advised the old man to give ________drinking.

A. in B. off C. out D. up

27. He went on ________until everyone was bored.

A. to talk B. talking C. with talk D. the talk

28. On the way home Bill ________on ________his father such a lot of questions.

A. kept; to ask B. continued; to ask C. kept; asking D. continued; asking 29. Have you decided to put off ________to Shanghai?

A. to go B. to leave C. going D. leaving

30. — What are you going to do this afternoon?

— I’m thinking of ________to visit my aunt.

A. go B. going C. having gone D. my going

31. The naughty boy was afraid ________by his teacher.

A. to scold B. to be scolding C. of scolding D. of being scolded

32. He insisted ________a picture for the wall newspaper.

A. I would draw B. me to draw C. my drawing D. on my drawing

33. There is still hope ________the ticket.

A. our buying B. of our buying C. to us buying D. for buying

34. Have you made any plan for ________the day?

A. congratulating B. you congratulating C. celebrating D. you celebrating

35. Modernization is the key ________up our agricultural development.

A. to speed B. of speeding C. for speeding D. to speeding

36. ________home, he went to bed.

A. To reach B. As soon as reached C. On reaching D. In reaching

37. They hurried on for fear ________.

A. to catch the rain B. of catching the rain

C. to be caught in the rain D. of being caught in the rain

38. The man will die ________at once.

A. not to operate B. without operate on him

C. if don’t operate D. without being operated on

39. I think the book worthy ________.

A. reading B. to read C. of being read D. of reading

40. He used to ________cards with his friends, but now he is used to ________a walk after supper.

A. play; taking B. playing; take C. play; take D. playing; taking

41. We look forward to ________a trip to Hangzhou.

A. make B. making C. be on D. go on

42. He doesn’t feel like ________to the exhibition today.

A. to go B. going C. come D. that he is

43. After cooking, Mother ________making tea.

A. set out B. set about C. set off D. start off

44. She’s got used ________English in the morning.

A. to read B. reading C. to reading D. to be reading

45. She takes great pleasure ________other.

A. to help B. in helping C. by helping D. with helping

46. It’s cold; do you mind ________the window?

A. for me to close B. if I close C. whether I close D. your closing

47. ________in the examination made her parents very angry.

A. Sue failing B. Sue’s fail C. Sue’s failing d. Sue to have failed

48. ________staying up so late is bad for his health.

A. He’s B. His C. He D. Him

49. I don’t like strangers ________to our talk.

A. listening B. listen C. hearing D. hear

50. Father suggested ________an umbrella.

A. me to take b. for me to take C. my taking D. I must take

51. She was afraid of ________to see her.

A. Peter’s not going B. not Peter’s going C. Peter’s doing not go D. Peter going not

52. I understand ________to go to the meeting.

A. who B. when C. your not wanting D. not your wanting

53. ________to help was a great encouragement to us.

A. They coming B. They come C. Their come D. Their coming

54. I can’t excuse her ________like that.

A. talking B. to talk C. talk D. being talked

55. Behind the ________there is a big ________.

A. writing desk; looking glass B. written desk; looking glass

C. writing desk; looked glass D. written desk; looked glass

56. We must do something to prevent the lake ________.

A. to be polluted B. from polluting C. off being polluted D. being polluted

57. They would rather spend time ________than ________in the street.

A. studying; wandering B. studying; wander C. to study; wandering D. to study; wander

58. There is no use ________it any further now.

A. our discussing B. for us to discuss C. we discussing D. of us to discuss

59. ________newspapers every day can add to one’s common sense.

A. Reading B. Read C. By reading D. If reading

60. —What made you so worried?

—________the plane.

A. Because I missed B. Because of missing C. I missed D. Missing


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