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核心提示:【#高一# 导语】英语写作和语文写作的不同的地方就是,英语的写作可以套用一些常用的句式和写作的模板,而且这样做拿高分的几率更加的大,下面©乐学网将为大家带来高中英语的写作的常用句式的介绍,希望能够帮助到大家。  句式一:  1. It is widely (co


【#高一# 导语】英语写作和语文写作的不同的地方就是,英语的写作可以套用一些常用的句式和写作的模板,而且这样做拿高分的几率更加的大,下面©乐学网将为大家带来高中英语的写作的常用句式的介绍,希望能够帮助到大家。


  1. It is widely (commonly) accepted (hold)+THAT...

  2. A widely accepted(commonly) hold idea (point of view, viewpoint, opinion, assumption)is that...

  3. A/ The dominant (prevalent, prevailing) idea is that...

  4. It is taken for granted +THAT(or: We often/ frequently take it for granted that...)

  5. People(The majority) seem to get accustomed to the idea that...

  6. People are willing to regard...as...

  7. People are willing to do..., while reluctant to do...


  1. However (But),...

  2. Such idea..., if not entirely ADJ1,is somewhat ADJ2 and needs careful consideration.

  ADJI=unreasonable, unacceptable, inappropriate, improper, undesirable, etc;

  ADJ2=misleading, doubtful, etc.

  3. In fact (As a matter of fact),...

  4. However, it is not (quite, necessarily) the case.

  5. This (It) is not (quite, necessarily) the case and needs to be further considered/discussed. (or: further consideration/discussion)

  句式三: 论述的展开:说明原因和理由,层进,举例,转折

  1. The reason lies in several aspects,...

  2. The reason why +clause+...

  3. There are several remarkable reasons.

  4.层进in addition, besides, furthermore, what's more, on the other hand, meanwhile, for one thing...for another; finally, above all, in short.

  5.举例for example, for instance, such (general term) as (specific terms),a typical (striking) example is that, a case in point.

  6.转折however, but, nevertheless, on the contrary.

  7.条件if , provided that, unless, as long as, etc.

  句式四: 就……而言;关于

  1. as far as...is/are concerned: As far as current situation is concerned...

  2. as to: the problem as to NP有关……的问题

  句式五:高考英语写作常用句式 问题

  1. Although much effort has been made, the situation is far from satisfactory (or: the problem remains unsolved, little improvement has been achieved).

  2. There is a tendency, as recent study (investigation) has pointed out (shown, revealed, indicated)+THAT...

  3. There is a growing concern about...

  4. It will inevitably (is likely to )result in (lead to ) unwanted (serious) consequence...

  5. Unfortunately, ...

  6. We will not be able to afford the risk of overlooking the seriousness of the matter.

  7. The process, once initiated, is most likely irreversible.

  8. We are constantly (frequently) faced with...

  句式六: 重要与必要;(应)注意与重视

  1. NP1 is of great importance (necessity, value) in NP2 (or: NP is of enormous significance)

  2. The importance (necessity) of... (to do sth.) lies in (the fact) that...

  3. NP1 plays, as is known, an irreplaceably important role in NP2

  4. The irreplaceably important role NP1 plays in NP2 is significant (obvious)

  5. NP1 is an indispensable part of NP2

  6. It is important (necessary) to DO (or: THAT)

  7. Special attention should be payed to...(or: We should pay special attention to...)

  8. What we should take into consideration is +NP

  句式七: 行动

  1. (immediate, emergent, effective) Measures are being taken (has been taken, should be taken) to DO

  2. We have made much effort, there is still more we need to make (or: We have learnt a lot, there is much more we need to learn.)

  句式八: 二择其一

  1. If it were left for me to decide whether (why + clause),I would, without hesitation, choose to DO (or: I would prefer the former/the latter)

  2. To DO/NP is a matter of preference.

  3. It is difficult to make a choice for one can hardly gain most without losing any.

  4. The difficulty lies in the fact that the advantages and disadvantages of both cases are equally obvious.

  5. In fact, we may well preserve a delicate balance or compromise between the two than go to extreme.

  6. It is not sensible to exclude one of the choices completely.

  7. (of two conflicting ideas, concepts) Though conflicting to one another, they are so closely associated that understanding one will be impossible without discussing the other.

  8. The benefits of NP are varied...

  9. While disadvantages are unavoidable, it is the advantages that prevail.

标签: 句式 导语 高一
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