
   2022-09-21 网络分享0
核心提示:®乐学网为大家整理的2014初一英语下册暑假作业的文章,供大家学习参考!更多最新信息请点击初一考试网(三)1.just like a long lost friend(像分别很久的朋友) 2.it made me smile(它使我笑容满面) 3.过去时态 4.① , put .cutHit read letbeat hurtcost 规律




1.just like a long lost friend(像分别很久的朋友) 2.it made me smile(它使我笑容满面) 3.过去时态 4.① , put . cut Hit read let beat hurt cost 规律:都是不变化的 都是原型

②kept,slept, swept , ept ep变

pt ③taught, caught, rach atch 变aught ④brought, bought, thought, 变 ought ⑤began,drank, rang, sang, swam, sat, i 改变a ⑥lent,sent,spent, built, d 改 t ⑦sold, told, ell 变为old ⑧said, pard, 变y为i 加d ⑨met,fed 去掉E ⑩grew, knew,threw flew 变为 ew fly flew;

find found; 5. Dear mum: i am having a good time in london.i__got__(get) to the airport at about 12 o'clock last friday.i_ took_(take)a taxi to our language school and then i _went___(go)to my host family.in the afternoon i_did_(do)some shopping in downtown.then i_had_(have)my first dinner at about eight that evening.the food_was_(be)delicious and i liked it. it_was_(be)Saturday yesterday.my teacher_took___(take)us sightseeing in the city.i_saw_(see)the Big ben and the Palace where the queen_lives_(live).I_bought__(buy) some postcards in the shop.they are beautiful and i hope you_will love__(love)them.it _was_(be)late when we_got_(get)back to the host home.i_felt_(feel)tired but excited.i think i_have fallen__(fall)in love with the city. Your love Daming 四

1阅读短诗,找出诗中押韵的单词:live,T.V,tea,me 2.整首诗用的主要时态是:现在进行时 其中结构是:V+ing 3.working buying visiting 规律:直接加ing taking having driving 规律:去e加ing stopping shopping getting 规律:双写辅音字母,再加ing Lying 规律:变ie为y,再加ing4.

否定句 The boy is not playing basketball 一般疑问句 Is the boy playing basketball? 肯定回答 yes,he is 否定回答 No,he is not 对The boy 提问 Who is playing basketball? 2)She is opening the window Who is cleaning the window? She is’t closing the door now I am doing my homework They are singsing under the tree now Are the Young Pioneers helping the old woman? is swimming No.5 is having/taking a shower

6. 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。 秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。 Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign. 7. got is doing is writing make Is doing is lying Tell take is watching is taking


I have a happy summer vacation. I stay at home and go to the countryside during the summer vacation. At home, I do my homework. I watch TV, too. I love English Today. Because I like English very much. I also like “Tell it like it is”. I watch them everyday. Sometimes I play the computer. I can watch MV and learn English on the computer. I often clean my room. I live in the countryside with my grandpa and my grandma. They are both sixty years old. In the countryside, I can do many interesting thing there. I play with dog. The dog is cute. I like fishing with my fiends. I really feel happy living in the countryside. 1.

①Excuse me.___Where are you from____________? I'm from London. ②Excuse me._____Is there a bank near here___________? Yes.The bank is next to the city libray on Fifth Avenue. ③____Why do you like pandas_______________________? Because they are cute. ④__What do you want to be when you grow up________________________? I want to be an English teacher. ⑤____What are you reading_______________________? I'm reading an English story books. ⑥____How is your friend______________________? My friend is tall and he has long hair. ⑦___What do you think of the TV programs_______________________? The TV progams are boring.I don't love them. ⑧____How is the weather now________________________? It's raining hard. 3. Is it (very) warm today? would you like to go with us? I'd like to I can't go with you it doesn't matter When All right /I agree (with you) 经典欣赏 1、He is sleeping.

标签: 规律 时态 初一
反对 0举报 0 评论 0


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