
   2022-09-21 网络分享0
核心提示:以下是®乐学网初一频道为大家提供的《初一下学期英语暑假生活指导答案》,供大家参考! 相关推荐:练习册答案|作业本答案|数学补充习题答案(一)  一、选择填空  1-5 BCDDA 6-10 BBDDA 11-15 DCCDC  二、完形填空  1-5 CBCDA 6-10 BDBAD  三、阅读




  1-5 BCDDA 6-10 BBDDA 11-15 DCCDC
  1-5 CBCDA 6-10 BDBAD
  三、阅读理解 ACCBD
  1.pollution 2. strange 3. Appeared 4. geography 5. dangerous 6. frightened
  7.Scientists 8. twentieth 9.towards 10.practises 11.None 12.northwest
  1. is knocking 2.bought 3.to learn 4.goes 5. playing 6. Don't forget , to take 7. doesn't rain 8.Listening 9. will begin
  1.What's, weight of 2.couldn't see anything 3,Each of , has 4. Don't take 5. Which book 6. How long 7. Differen't from 8. What did, do 9. What a tall building it is !./ How tall the building is !
  10 I was excited to see so many amazing things.
  11 Is it necessary to walk the dog once a day?
  —、1.anybody 2.noise 3.weather 4.quietly 5.catches 6.chance 7.planning 8.throw 9.pets 10.sign
  二、1.will/is going to be 2.is talking 3.went 4.was 5.don’t sell 6.receiving 7.swimming 8.Don’t be 9.called 10.brush
  三、1.D 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.B
  四、1.Most of the time.I enjoy staying/being at home alone.
  2.1isten!Someone is ringing the door bell.
  3.If you want to keep fit.make sure you do some exercise every day.
  4.I’m very interested in watching NBA games.
  5.Dogs are our best friends.we shouldn’t be afraid of them.
  五、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C
  六、(A)1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C
  (B)1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B
  My Good Friend
  I have a good friend.She is a Chinese girl of 14.Her name is Zhang Jie.She studies in No.5 Middle School.She is good at English,Chinese and Maths.She can sing a
  and play basketball quite well.She likes watching TV,too.She is very kind and friendly.She is always ready to help others.What a good girl!
  一、1~5. BDACC 6~10. CDAAA 11~15. DBACC
  二、1~5. ACADC 6~10. CBCBA
  三、1~5. CBAAD 6~10. BCDBA 11~15. BDCBD
  四、1. wonderful 2. strange 3. surprised 4. memory . 5. through
  6.dangerous 7.luckily 8.past 9.brave 10.members
  五、1.You can get better grades if you try your best.
  2.My brother spent a week teaching me how to play the guitar.
  3.We should learn from the hard-working students.
  4.We must arrive at the train station before 8.00 tomorrow morning.
  5.Don't be afraid of the dog. It never bites.
  D C A C B A C D B A B C B A D
  1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5。C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.C
  C A B B A C D
  1.none 2.cook 3.poured 4.million 5.Remember 6.dangerous 7.wide 8.weighs 9.scientists 10.frightened 11.exit 12.missed
  11.How interesting the book is! What an interesting book it is !
  12.Are they going to have a picnic this Sunday?
  13.Don’t walk the dog every day.
  14.Are those pencils Kitty’s?
  15.H0w many classrooms are there in your school?
  1.1earning 2.are searching 3.Knocked 4.to worry 5.hunts 6.to:swim
  7.not to chase 8..heard/shouting 9.will;come 10.Smoking
  Hi, everyone! The flood washed away our house, but I was lucky enough to stay alive with my family. Today I will tell you my dream home.
  My new house is opposite a park and everyday I can hear birds sing happily. There are two rooms in my new home and I share a room with my brother. There is a football field in front of my house. After school, I can play football with my friends there. It is far away from the big cities., so the air is clean. Every it takes me
  5 minutes to walk to school.
  This is my dream home. I am looking forward to have it one day.
  一、 1- 5:CDDDD 6- 10:ADCCD 11- 15 :BABDC 16- 20:CCABA
  二、1 dangerous 2 frightened 3 scientists 4 twentieth 5 towards 6 practices 7 None 8 north-west
  三、1 is knocking 2 bought 3 to learn 4 goes 5 playing 6 Don’t forget to take
  7 doesn’t rain 8 Listening 9 will begin
  四、1 What’s, weight of 2 couldn’t see anything 3 each of , has 4 Don’t take 5 Which book 6 How long 7 different from 8 What did , do
  9 How tall the building is!/What a tall building!
  10 I was excited to see so many amazing things.
  11 It is necessary to walk the dog once a day.
  五、1 in---on 2 beautifully--- beautiful 3 searching后加 for
  4 were---was 5 opened---open
  六、1 Look! How happily the children are playing!
  2 Thank you for recommend me so interesting film.
  3 It’s bad for your health to go to school without breakfast.
  4 Do you know what happened to him last week?
  5 The teacher asks the children to keep away from danger.
  七 完形填空 1-5 CADBC 6-10 BACBD
  八 阅读理解 1-5 ACBDA 6-10 ADDCB
  十、Dear Chairperson
  I would like to recommend Simon for this year’s Youth Award.
  Simon is a clever boy.He can learn things quickly.He is good at his lessons.
  Simon is thoughtful,so he plans things very well.He often organizes class activities.We all like him.Simon is also very helpful.Once he saved a boy out of water.The boy’s parents are very grateful to him.
  All of us think Simon should get this award.We look forward to hearing from you soon.
  Yours faithfully

标签: 答案 句型 初一
反对 0举报 0 评论 0


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