
   2022-02-18 网络分享0
核心提示:一、用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子1.We gave him a ________test paper to do, so it's unbelievable that he has ________it ________ in just half an hour.(complete)2.What Mr.Zhang ________ was very ________.What's more, his method of ________



1.We gave him a ________test paper to do, so it's unbelievable that he has ________it ________ in just half an hour.(complete)

2.What Mr.Zhang ________ was very ________.What's more, his method of ________ was most agreeable.(instruct)

3.The ________ of something is the fact that it is ________ to something else, in other words, we call it an ________ thing.(add)

4.This ________ virus ________ children easily and the ________ can be carried in many ways.(infect)

5.________ I drank the medicine, I got an ________effect.( immediate)

6.I have told them with absolute ________ there' ll be no change of policy.(certain)


1.________listening to music, he has no other hobbies in his spare time.

2.Not having enough sleep for a long time always ________ sickness.

3.Each of us should ________ourselves and never break the rules of the school.

4.They have ________a few different ________from a large number of facts.

5.Chen Long ________ the public­spirited activities.He often attends the public­spirited performance.

6.Don't ________ yourself ________ the sun for too long, or you will get sunburnt.

7.It________to buy such an expensive coat when the cheaper ones are just as good.


People who are disabled want to enjoy the comfort of owning a home.However,many home makers today ignore the needs of 1.____disabled.So people who are disabled may need to make their houses accessible 2.____them.When disabled people wonder 3.____must be changed in their homes,they may take these suggestions.They and 4.____family members can use these ideas to change the home into a house that is comfortable for them.

Disabled people often have a difficulty 5.____(move)through doorways in today's houses.The doorways are simply not wide enough for a walker(步行器)6.____a wheelchair.However,widening a doorway three inches on each side can make that space wide enough.It can allow the person to pass 7.____who uses a walker,wheelchair,or other facilities.

Many houses today also have counters(柜台) that are too high for disabled people to reach. A person who 8.____(possess) the necessary skills may also find this project does not take much time 9.____all to complete.

Bathrooms can be dangerous places for people who have certain disabilities.They may need help getting in and out of the shower or tub.People can grab bars in the shower or tub in their bathroom,10.____can keep them steady as they use the shower or tub.

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