
   2022-09-21 网络分享0
核心提示:【#高一# 导语】 高中阶段学习难度、强度、容量加大,学习负担及压力明显加重,不能再依赖初中时期老师“填鸭式”的授课,“看管式”的自习,“命令式”的作业,要逐步培养自己主动获取知识、巩固知识的能力,制定学习计划,养成自主学习的好习惯。今天©乐


【#高一# 导语】 高中阶段学习难度、强度、容量加大,学习负担及压力明显加重,不能再依赖初中时期老师“填鸭式”的授课,“看管式”的自习,“命令式”的作业,要逐步培养自己主动获取知识、巩固知识的能力,制定学习计划,养成自主学习的好习惯。今天©乐学网高一频道为正在拼搏的你整理了《高一英语作文范文五篇》,希望以下内容可以帮助到您!


  Tennis is the world’s third sport, it ranks after football and basketball. Every year, a lot of audience keeps their eyes on the four grand slam championships. It is known to all that Wimbledon has the oldest history and the tennis players treat it as the greatest honor to win it. This year, the local player Murray won it again.

  The famous male tennis players are Big 4. They almost won all the important championships during the last ten years. But Murray was in the awkward situation though he was one of the Big 4, he never won the grand slam, what’s more, people in England put so much hope on him to win Wimbledon Championship. When Murray made it he cried out and felt relieved.

  When the second time he won, he cried out again though he did not have so much pressure as before. The fans knew that he had a hard time after his first great honor, people started to qustioned about his ability. But he proved himself again.

  Every player has his honor hour and the bad time, the more important is to never give up, then honor will come again.


  Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice. It is truly a tough choice. Students opinions differ greatly on this issue. Some hold that priority should be given to their interest in jobs, but others take the attitude that salary is the most critical factor influencing their career choices.

  As to myself, I prefer the latter view. A well-paid job exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me. Although it might be impossible to measure the value of one’s job in terms of money, salary counts most when I choose my future career. In my view, our career choices largely depend on how and where we have been brought up. come from a poor urban family and my parents were both laid-off workers. In order to finance my tuition, they have been working hard over the past four years. As the only son in my family, I have to shoulder the burden of supporting my family.

  In short, salary is the first and only consideration in my choice of career.


  We three good friends, may be small strong grade is a bit poor, so, I also use the subject I'm good at learning methods to teach jack Bauer. Gradually, our result to rise slightly.

  However, things are not we imagine so well. At that time is late autumn, is going to enter the winter, the weather is cold, and we go home late again, mom and dad worry about nature. One day, we saw the tsuen wan son seems to be some sad, with his head down in their seats, we immediately ran past, asked her what happened? But she still don't talk with his head down. We all don't understand what is going on? So we have to forget it, but we knew that there must be some great things, tsuen wan son won't like that, because, in our eyes, everyone she is a cheerful girl.

  In the third grade, I met a girl called zhang zheyu, but she was very cute when she didn't look at her name. She had large, watery eyes, as if they could talk, and she was full of reiki. She has a very long braid and beautiful black hair. She has a very cheerful disposition, and sometimes makes people laugh. Soon we became good friends.


  You let me know who is the most unforgettable? You must guess not to come out. Because I am a is the most unforgettable person I met a stranger.

  His early twenties, black hair, big eyes, and strong body. Although we only met once, but he saved my life.

  Remember it was a Sunday, I rode a car go out to play, never thought to come back, but have a thrilling experience.

  The day was over, I walk on my way home by bike. Suddenly, a gust of wind blows, I was lost her eye sand. I quickly one hand cycling, vacate a hand to rub the eyes. Unexpectedly, when I was rubbing your eyes, road in front of a big stone, the front wheel "MAO" hit the rocks, I was a snap of the car is planted into the stream. I cry, "help", while fluttered with both hands, trying to stop the body of the sinking. But everything is useless, the body still continue to sink. At that moment, I saw an uncle walked to come over, I use the energy of the last cried: "help." And then what all don't know.

  After wake up, I found that I have been on the shore, uncle in my side to protect me. I said to his uncle: "thank you." He said: "don't mention it. That is all I should do." So he turned to go, I asked: "what is your name?" He ignored me, and go.

  Uncle, I think this kind of self-sacrifice, selfless fearless spirit is worth my study. He saved me, but leave calmly. Until now, I still hard to forget about him, but still don't know his name.


  Changes in my life 

  The first few years in university was good, but with the time going, one day I felt I need change the situation again. At that time, I found myself was a kind of person who always wants to change and was not satisfied with the current situation. To some extent, I am a person full of ambition. I had taught there for 7 years, I felt I could not use my knowledge to teach in the class. If I kept doing this, I would have finished my whole life without achieving anything. What would be a terrible thing like this! I found a chance to be interpreter in a team, and found my new interest. Hence, there are two examination preparation jobs waiting for me again----TOFEL and GRE. I knew at that time the situation should be most difficult than that I had before. I need worked on daytime, and prepared them at night, I was not younger than 10 years ago. But I had set the goal, I need go study abroad in the US, even though there were more than one year hard work ahead. Finally, I went through all the examination, and the God of luck stood with me again, I was accepte! My life changed to another direction in January 2009, I started my life in a total different world.

  Now, I am still changing. I gradually know the culture, life, people, customers here, I come to get used of the life here, I turn to love the country. What will I change to? Who knows? However, I think the changing tendency will go to the right direction, my life and my future will get better and better. Through the call I got from my father, my hometown is changing rapidly, the village is filling the shrimp pond, and building factory and attracting the investment. It seems like people will live better life in the future.

  Change can make thing possible, hanging back in the face of fear is nothing.

标签: 范文 知识 高一
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